
Browse through thousands of photos of Northwest Indiana taken from the ground and from the sky. The photo galleries are always growing so check back to see your hometown often! is on a mission to enhance the image of Northwest Indiana and to provide a centralized location for people, business, and marketing agencies to be able to access photos to use for their clients and for the overall enhancement of Northwest Indiana.

Click on a community below for more information and to begin browsing through hundreds of photos taken across Northwest Indiana.


 Bass Lake  Hanna  Michiana Shores  Schererville
 Beverly Shores  Hebron  Michigan City  Schneider
 Brook  Highland  Morocco  Shelby
 Burns Harbor  Hobart  Munster  South Haven
 Cedar Lake  Kentland  New Chicago  Sumava Resorts
 Chesterton  Knox  North Judson  Thayer
 Crown Point  Kouts  Ogden Dunes  Town of Pines
 DeMotte  LaCrosse  Portage  Valparaiso
 Dune Acres  La Porte  Porter  Wanatah
 Dyer  Lake Station  Remington  Westville
 East Chicago  Lake Village  Rensselaer  Wheatfield
 Gary  Leroy  Rolling Prairie  Whiting
 Goodland  Long Beach  Roselawn  Winfield
 Griffith  Lowell  St. John
 Hammond  Merrillville  San Pierre


Photos by: Joey B. Lax-Salinas

Photos are protected under U.S. copyright laws. All rights reserved.