Downtown Chesterton, Indiana

Request a Photo to be Added to the Gallery!

Are you interested in a specific photo of something or some place in Northwest Indiana but didn’t find what you were looking for in the gallery? Whether you are looking for a specific shot, a Northwest Indiana landmark, a black and white version of a photo that you’ve found and liked, or some other special request, please submit your photo suggestion below. We would be happy to consider it as a future addition to the gallery.

Our mission is to capture as many photos as possible in all of the cities and towns throughout Northwest Indiana and to be able to cover all four seasons in each community. The photos in the albums are what we consider ‘market shots’; photos that can be used in publications, websites and more. This is a project that will take years to complete and will always continue to grow, but it is an exciting mission and all for the benefit of Northwest Indiana.

Please be sure to check back on the site often to find updates to albums. We will do our best to keep you informed of updates through the blog on this website. Thank you for your interest in

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